Pouring Over Choices: Alcohol Consumption and Its Impact on Health

Pouring Over Choices: Alcohol Consumption and Its Impact on Health

Ever had the feeling after a long day of work to come home and open up a can of beer or have a glass of wine and put your feet up and relax? Or been out with friends to a bar or restaurant and had a few drinks to loosen up and have a good time? 

Growing up, alcohol consumption culture is very normalised. In Europe, kids as old as 16 years old can drink alcohol! They believe maybe if it's normalised early, people won't over consume when they are older. But little do people know, alcohol can cause irreversible damage to developing brains (which could mean up until your mid to late 20s!). And it's a forever type of damage! 

First, we will start off with a few facts about alcohol:

- It is a poison/toxin!

- It can be damaging to the lining of your digestive tract (it's an irritant)

- It impairs mechanisms of nutrient transport

- It impairs fat digestion & absorption

- It decreases bile production & protein synthesis

- It distorts hunger and satiety signalling (i.e. weight gain)

- It negatively impacts sleep

- It interferes with hormonal health & perimenopausal symptoms

- it contributes to cancer!! 

No amount of alcohol is considered safe, especially considering all the damage and imbalance it can create in our bodies. Alcohol is broken down 90% in the liver and 10% in the stomach and brain. This heavy work that is being done in the liver breaking down alcohol can put a lot of pressure on the liver considering it's responsibility in functions like metabolising nutrients from our food, regulating energy storage/usage, detoxifying our bodies from waste products, regulating our blood sugar, storing our vitamins and minerals and so much more! 

Like we mentioned above, there is no amount of alcohol that is considered safe for anyone. But should you decide to consume or continue consuming, consider these tips: 

- Don't drink on an empty stomach

- Aim to drink no more than 1 drink per hour

- Alternate with water to space out drinks 

- Make sure you are consuming an antioxidant rich diet, supporting microbiome and replacing your electrolytes

Quitting alcohol can be a difficult task. When our bodies become addicted, it takes more than just mental will to make a change. You can start by seeking support from your healthcare provider, family, friends, specific alcohol cessation programs in your community, etc. Then, make a major routine change! Distract your self with activities, manage stress, exercise and eat very nutritional foods (this way your body will feel too good to crave alcohol). In addition, you can add a few herbs to your everyday routine that will support you on your journey like passionflower (anxiety reduction, sleep aid, alleviate withdrawal symptoms) found in our Innate Sleep Tea! Nettle leaf, ginger & lemon balm (found in our Innate Hormone Restore Tea) can also be beneficial in decreasing muscle spasms in abdomen, decreasing inflammation and allergic responses (added bonus of balancing hormones!). 

Although drinking alcohol can be felt by peer pressure while being a societal norm, choosing to stop or not drink at all can be empowering and sometimes even life saving. 


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