Refund Policy
We have a 14 day return policy. You have 14 days from the day that your order arrives to email us with a request to return and receive a refund. In order to be eligible for a refund, the item must be in the same state/condition as it was sent to you, unopened & unused. We are not responsible for delayed shipping, this is unfortunately outside of our control.
If your return is accepted, we will provide you with the address to return your item. You will be responsible for the return, at your own cost. Please send us an email with any questions or concerns regarding your return.
We ask you to notify us immediately if you receive the wrong order or if it's damaged. This way we can correct the issue and make it right as soon as possible.
Once we receive your refund request, approve and process it, we will notify you. Please allow sometime to receive your refund to your original method of payment. It depends on the bank involved and how long it takes for them to process payments.
Our contact email: :)